Thursday, April 23, 2009

surrealisme installation #2: structue - absractness - structure; clothesed lined academia fabrica

76 t-shirts
16 8-foot wooden stakes
300 feet of clothesline
152 clothes pins

four sections of four stakes intersected by academic row and haas pathway
three stringed spaces in a stake section
seven seven five five seven seven : one clothesline of shirts
two structured clotheslines
one string laying on academic row forming the third clothesline

movement upon movement; human structures flowing with human directionality

structure - abstractness - structure
abstractness centered in human structure

context erased

the third breathing clothesline arriving and leaving with the winded passings time

shadows dance as a mediterranean momenti cross the boundary

the whispering of fabrics between fabrics

shifting perceptions
(Minolta Autocord)

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