Wednesday, May 7, 2008

arche my sight. we can make it if we run. i dont know where we are but i have a candle and we should share

the wonderful story of henry sugar and six more

here we go. wait where are your eyes. i cant find my fishing rod.

a candle spoke to me. hello he said and i sat down so that my ears could see.

synapse sculpture. wanna cross it?

cocentric circles with a common center. mine is filled with macaroons and flowers but soon im building a wind mill

i say we run for it... we ran fast.

triumphant we were. chillin and sipping on the view we did.

its water time. thoughtful park baby duck session.

my mom ran thru jardin du luxembourg today. lets walk thru it.

monster like aquatic inspiration. watch yourself and dont get eaten.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

one discovers all lines are not straight and the ankle slippers have been here all along

seeking sun and finding marshmellows.

grand it is that we shall spend your time in ours. how do you propose the direction?

post card fear. warped wood can still stand.

the hands that built the bridge. the hands that built the bridge. the hands that are the bridge. the hands are the bridge.

its the opaque surface i tell you. a memory fresh it is for only so long and then you see. opaque it is and descend it will. blurring. luring. blurring forever.

Monday, May 5, 2008

from the bottom of the sea i stare. everything may be... blue

paris tracks touched with blue; my eyes were on the roof tops

shoots and ladders of the scaffold canvas gems

autoretrato: pardon me a second i may need ink

pensive fuel with duo eyes on roof tops once and again

elevatated descent. grab a coat and shake a hand

sea creature dreaming while ascending the arche

unnatural naturalism of green and reflected style when a building drips water and i happen a passerby

sea creature greeted by a flocking gull. relational perspectives can be panoramic

love wall birthing some scripted ideas

shaka in the clouds and good vibes all around in the "a - double b - e - doble s - e - s." i had a feeling the hill would provide a point of view and had no idea how revealing it would be. disoriented pleasures of sudden realizations while standing at the stairs of the hymnal candle. chanting; it is sunday.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

friends creating paris momenti. the rabbit hole upon first glance

paris umbrellas over smiles

fondue we do enjoy we did

the grinning bottle before a scripture grounded

awkward comfort it is sucking a red wine filled baby bottle. perhaps pure comfort and in this a quality comfort achieved in the simplest of primitive manners

when the writing is on the wall a portrait may be you need.

pondered view

meet you there

windowed frames

tea from china?

thanks-z a favorite uncovering discovered

space elephant not yet on the thoughts yet thoughts yes occurring and recurring curing

frankenreiter is in the archive and don-o is in the room

chat cats syrup. muchas grass

double capture momenti flashy no and light yes

how do you close this thing?... im not sure we ever did and certainly sure we never had to. remaining and remain a door way opens

blue eyed cobble stone step on me

dalian inspired momenti with captured momentus

bottled what?

manner i walk in this

coming more soon clouds

sometimes before bed i dont sleep

what if this was that but that was not this

post carded images snap i do not

bertha dont you come around here anymore

is it on an island? the map says its on an island but words it doesnt tell

it will be great if monday after six is free! yet monday after six would not be

snippy segments of endless lineal forms terminating in infinity