Sunday, May 4, 2008

friends creating paris momenti. the rabbit hole upon first glance

paris umbrellas over smiles

fondue we do enjoy we did

the grinning bottle before a scripture grounded

awkward comfort it is sucking a red wine filled baby bottle. perhaps pure comfort and in this a quality comfort achieved in the simplest of primitive manners

when the writing is on the wall a portrait may be you need.

pondered view

meet you there

windowed frames

tea from china?

thanks-z a favorite uncovering discovered

space elephant not yet on the thoughts yet thoughts yes occurring and recurring curing

frankenreiter is in the archive and don-o is in the room

chat cats syrup. muchas grass

double capture momenti flashy no and light yes

how do you close this thing?... im not sure we ever did and certainly sure we never had to. remaining and remain a door way opens

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